I've got my computer back

I havn't written in 3 days now, cause i've been busy and not have the energy to come and blogg, i've got my freakin computer back tho! =D It was like this: I left the computer to Expert to see if they could find any broken things in it, but they couldn't find anything wrong with it. So they said it will cost 800 crowns something and i was like: "NO! I'm ain't gonna pay for something that dosn't work for me when i try it at home, and told him about the battery lead. And he said then it's something wrong with the battery lead.  I didn't have to pay to get the computer back. So that's good! =) So but they don't have that same kind of battery lead there. And my friend Trixie told me that it have to go on the guarantee paper that follows with the computer that they will stand for the battery lead if it's wrong with it. So i have to call Expert and tell them again about it. Many work with it. But when he took the computer and showed me that it was workin ... I was like MAN that computer look so smal! haha - i think i've get used to that i use alot more bigger computers these days hehe.
Will see if it has a nice loading battery in the comp so i can use it a bit today. I'm happy that i have it back now tho and that i didn't have to pay anything for it. But the next thing is to call Expert and see if the battery lead is on the guarantee paper.  Hope it is too!


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