
It went kinda weird at this social welfare office meeting today. It was only me who was there of all people. Man i want my life back the one i had before when i had money!!! :S

So I'm going to another meeting again soon. In about 2 weeks or so. So hopefully i'll get any.

I've done all the things they've been pointed out. Such as:

  1. Searching for jobs
  2. Tried to apply for support for activitys
  3. Tried to apply for any sort of insurance
  4. Try to sell things at the market
  5. Try selling my things
  6. Go to the job centre

All those kind of things i've already done and still doing!

My bf can't support me forever!
I have to take care of myself for once in awail.
Hope i get this doctors certificate 2morrow as soon as possible so that i can search for this activity compensation.


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