A beautiful day

We went out and running for the thingi Jimmy would buy, but he didn't find it on the market. Sadly enough.
By that time the lunch time reached and we were starving, so we took a bite at the new restaurant/cafe in Allum. And it was delicious!


A Chocolate cupcake with white chocoloate over. The chocolate cream looks like a rose and with the brown papper thingi around it.


Here's my car so far, in further times i will try to find a pink seated suit to the place where i'm sitting and driving on and a blue one on the other side. What ya think?


On the steering wheel it says: "Lady" in case ya wondered! ;)


Adhesive pads big and tiny ones for scrapbooking.


And yarn for doing amigurumi figures. I thought that they are so freakin cute that i have to try to do one myself!


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