New Outfits...!
This was the dvd I got from Trixie:
And this i got from Mariam and Mica, The A4 poster I got from Mariam me with Anastacia :D how cool, and almost PINK! :D and the candles and the vase I got from Mica. Awesome! :D
I bought 2 tops yesterday, this one is white with O-ring, I put on the vest on cause i think it looks better with it.

And here's the other top that i bought a brown one alot the same with the white one, but with some buttons in the middle of the O-ring, the lggins and the legg-warmers are all the same as always...
Here is the outfit that i wore yesterday, the top is from MQ with a little lace flounce - it looks a little bit like a skirt =)
And here's the last one of the outfit that i wore today... The grey top is from Hong Kong with a little hood on the back and the socks from Lindex with a bow-tie on each socks on the side - dark grey and the Boots bought yesterday, awesome black ones!
These boots i got from yesterday, i had searched for a pair of boots since i had to give back my old ones. And i found these and they are awesome! They are black, but they are a little bit tighter uper in the shaft but i think it will loosen up, it has already loosen up a lil bit! =) And the Brand is: Duffy! I think it's from sweden... yea it is! :D
Here's socks from Lindex both of them... with bow-tie, the Hello kitty one is under the knee and the dark grey one is over the knee socks! :D really awesome!
I've searched for a bag in along time nowand i finally found the right model for it too! :D It's from Ulrika the brand :D
That was the final of everything i bought yesterday! :D And i'm so happy that i found these things, It wasn't on the sale events tho... but i don't care, i got the money and i got to the town and bought and found these and i'm so happy! :D
That was all for me for today, already...
Bye for now
xoxo Jessie

And this i got from Mariam and Mica, The A4 poster I got from Mariam me with Anastacia :D how cool, and almost PINK! :D and the candles and the vase I got from Mica. Awesome! :D

I bought 2 tops yesterday, this one is white with O-ring, I put on the vest on cause i think it looks better with it.

And here's the other top that i bought a brown one alot the same with the white one, but with some buttons in the middle of the O-ring, the lggins and the legg-warmers are all the same as always...

Here is the outfit that i wore yesterday, the top is from MQ with a little lace flounce - it looks a little bit like a skirt =)

And here's the last one of the outfit that i wore today... The grey top is from Hong Kong with a little hood on the back and the socks from Lindex with a bow-tie on each socks on the side - dark grey and the Boots bought yesterday, awesome black ones!

These boots i got from yesterday, i had searched for a pair of boots since i had to give back my old ones. And i found these and they are awesome! They are black, but they are a little bit tighter uper in the shaft but i think it will loosen up, it has already loosen up a lil bit! =) And the Brand is: Duffy! I think it's from sweden... yea it is! :D

Here's socks from Lindex both of them... with bow-tie, the Hello kitty one is under the knee and the dark grey one is over the knee socks! :D really awesome!

I've searched for a bag in along time nowand i finally found the right model for it too! :D It's from Ulrika the brand :D

That was the final of everything i bought yesterday! :D And i'm so happy that i found these things, It wasn't on the sale events tho... but i don't care, i got the money and i got to the town and bought and found these and i'm so happy! :D
That was all for me for today, already...
Bye for now
xoxo Jessie
Back - Merry Christmas!
I got the Björn Gustafsson dvd, eeeeeeeeeeeeee from my friend Trixie. I knew it was a dvd and i was hoping it was this one too :D and it was :D :D :D eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D so i'm going home soon to watch it and i just wanned to tell ya that i got money from my parents yesterday. So i look forward to go to the mall 2morrow and shop the money up for clothes, and boots and stuff like that. I had a pair of boots but i had to get them back to the store cause they were broken and i just loved them. They were my favorite! And to get a new pair of them, i had to go to Uddevalla if i had my way over there sometime. And i was like erm...... I'm never there and i'm sure that i'm never gone go there on these weeks that is coming ahead of me. So i got the money back insted so now i'm looking for new boots, and i searched on the Scorett net and they had a few that were like the same old boots i had before, BUT now i just have to try them on aswell, so i they match to my feet or not. But there's a few of them that i like and they looks nice! So hope that i find any pair 2morrow!
Anyways i have to go now it was the only thing i had to say today! Now i'm heading home to watch Björn Gustafsson! And i'm going to refresh my nails aswell, they have to be fresh and they need a real manicure! :D
So bye for now...
Love Jessie
Anyways i have to go now it was the only thing i had to say today! Now i'm heading home to watch Björn Gustafsson! And i'm going to refresh my nails aswell, they have to be fresh and they need a real manicure! :D
So bye for now...
Love Jessie
Merry Christmas Y'all!
It was a disaster yesterday night, before christmas and everything! I emna the lamps and the power went off in servel of hours! It was my cleaning and wash clothes day yesterday and everything went off, i couldn't belive it, and the hot water went off too and the element too, I was frozen like piece of ice. Anyway the power went off for hours so i lighted up some candles. I'll tell ya later, cause i got to go now and open my friend's christmas gift
bye for now!
New outfit - Winter!
Here's my new winter outfit that i wore today!

The grey top from Ullared and the black vest the same, the black leggins from H/M and the grey leggwarmers i've done myself. I love the outfit! I just thought that i just go with the top but then i added the vest as well and it looked awesome! It look so winterir and the accessories - the clock is a real D&G with Swarovski Crystal/silver and the necklace is a egyptian ank/silver.
I should wear these kind of outfits more BUT it's so freakin cold!

The grey top from Ullared and the black vest the same, the black leggins from H/M and the grey leggwarmers i've done myself. I love the outfit! I just thought that i just go with the top but then i added the vest as well and it looked awesome! It look so winterir and the accessories - the clock is a real D&G with Swarovski Crystal/silver and the necklace is a egyptian ank/silver.
I should wear these kind of outfits more BUT it's so freakin cold!