Moved my blog to...

Have moved to There's more theme layouts there and you can even comment on my posts there. So see ya there in the future. Bye for now here.

My new blog is

Happy thoughts!

I've been thinking alot! About how Happy it has been for me this year at all! I mean my dreams has finally come true in my freakin life!! FINALLY!!!

For the
1. I've met my star Anastacia - Love ya always and forever!
2. I'm with Jimmy <3 my love
3. I've been moving far away from my parents and from Floda.
4. I'm studdying fashion design

This has been my freakin dreams for years!!!!

All of this has happened in one freakin year, this year 2009!
2009 has been very good for me, altho some has been changes and some sad things have happend also...
But i'm thinking forward now!

My jimmy has got a freakin freach apartment and i'm so freakin happy for him and it's a nice one, altho it's white EVERYWHERE!!! But it's a nice price too. And it's nearby his job too!
I'm moving with him when i'm coming down, that is what we've thought about. :D So i can't wait!

There's so many things i want to do! But things comes and goes. Fast or slow!

But i'm going and looking forward till what will happen in the future!
What will happen next year in about 5 weeks and 2 days left till 2010!!!

Wow this yeas has gone pretty fast and a damn fun year aswell!

Man i'm gonna miss everything that have happened this year!

I'm so freakin proud at myself and that i'm acctually has gone on my instinct to really do my own thing. And not care what other people think. I will do this and i've done it so far!!

I will look back at this year and think how happy it really made me feel of all the things has passed me with this happy and lucky year!

My pink balloon ='(

This is what happened yesterday, My freakin ballooon is dead!!! It's out of air now, Damn!
See how it looks like now: ='(


Man it even got wrinkles!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Verre she only laughed about it, we laughed alot yesterday about what happened with my ballooon.

EVeryone in my corridor has one each pink balloon. But they have differents name on it.
It was Emma she had 5 baloons and she gave us one each. And she even gave us names on the balloons.
Haha dosn't my name on the balloon fit me or what??? ;) hahaha

Here's some other pic of the balloon

OMG here you can really see the freakin wrinkles!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! What am i going to freakin do with it!
It looks like a freakin pear!!! Even if it's a pink one. haha

Damn, i think it's a freakin ghost in this house, ya know why?
This is so freakin strange that i'm too freaked about it myself. It was like this...
I layed my glasses on the table and the next morning i hear somethig is droping to the floor. And when i woke up that morning the freakin glasses is on the freakin floor!!! Even if i layed them in the center of the table.
How freakin weird is that??????
It's so freeeky here in this school! We've heard so many freaky stories.
It's unbelievble that they even freakin tell us about it! I hate such as stories as ghost stories and those.

I can't even bare to go to the basement alone! After those ghost stories i've heard. I'm to freakin scarred now. I have to have someone with me to go down there.

Anyways... I'll be hadded to the sew room soon i think. Sew and cut my pocket to the baggy jeans i'm doin.
Weäve got a freakin dead line now. We werent't suppose to get one at all. But some peeps in my class just wanted one even if some peeps are not there yet. Some are far behind and some are far ahead. So... But we've got like 2 weeks now till the dead line. So i have to go and sew and be strong and not give up on these jeans.

I'm gonna make it tho!


BUSY BUSY BUSY weeeeeeeeeeeks

I've been super duper BUUUUUUUUUUUSY!!! That's why i haven't even update the blog at all. I've had projects to do the bolero that i had and i'm freakin done with it now, It was so freakin horrible to do the fuckin arm of it. I had to freakin struggle the last day before the dead line day. I sat with it all afternoon and even all night till breakfast morning. Guess if i was pissed or what! And tired as shit!!! When we did the presentation i was so out of reach - i had like nothing to say altho i had alot to say about my probelem with the arm!

And we had just 2 freakin weeks to get done with the thingi. And dude i hadn't even started with my bolero. And like EVERYONE in the class agreed with me, haha they really was like "uhhu yea if she have" haha and i was very pleased that they even said something at all =)

So yea they know i've struggled with the bolero ALOT! We had a chat with our teacher the day after i think and she told me that i would have been done with it before the dead line and i'm sure i would too. But she find out that the arm was wrong so i had to start all over again with it and change it back.
Anyways she thought that i had done a great job and she also knew that i've struggled with it. Hehe i even let her help me with it, I told her that i've sat with it all night till morning. And she was so kind and said that she could sew it for me! And i was yay! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

And my friend here Verre said =O the teacher is helping you do that for ya, and i was so cocky hehe :D and glad!
So here's my work that i'm done with now

SO freakin hot it is! Peeps who were there when i was done with it they  said awww you are so clever! :D and i know you've had probelems with it. And one of them said now you can just relax and enjoy your work - that your done with.


I'm sooooo freakin happpy that i'm finally done with it now! :D (btw Verre is standing behind me) 

Now we have got a new project to do, we got it right away after the project with the bolero i did.
Now we are going to do trousers - and i'm doing baggy jeans! :D we have to do a sample of the trousers and then again do the original to see if it fits or not. 

Me, Verre, Emma and Linn are going to Gnarp to buy some fabrics to the new project and some other fabrics aswell i think, haha we wanna have a libarary where there are alot of fabrics in shells that just shines there and like a wardrobe with alot of shoes and bags! hahaha 

g2g and studdy more now! bye bye xxx