Helping Mariam
Helped Mariam to fix her pocket for her scrap booking thing. It lokks pretty good! A bit bigger than what i thought it would be.
Mariams scrapbooking binder
I forgot to mention that i was at Mariams place yesterday and we did some scrapbooking to her album thingi. And here's the result of it.
It turned out to be really good actually! Even though when it took so long to do mine. The other half is on the other side of it.
Alot of pink as usual, my style!
It turned out to be really good actually! Even though when it took so long to do mine. The other half is on the other side of it.
Alot of pink as usual, my style!
BirthdayCard on Photoshop
Have done a birthday card on photoshop, what do you think?
I think it looks pretty good to be the first ever done on ps. To have photoshop is a better and easier way to place the pictures. You can do them bigger without the blur, so smart! It's a much better than paint, with paint you have to fix everything by yourself and it takes more of your time too.
It's a cute and pink card. Wished i had a printer though to print it out and use it. ;)