You can not believe what i bought this weekend!? ... :# It's amazing how and how wonderful it is to have this kind of thing in my life now. I cant believe it myself, there's so many things i want to do with it and now i can when i read the whole book of instructions. Then i can start "do" it. It's so much fun, I have to just Thank Jackie that she made it possible! :D
Thank You sister! <3
It's a bit crazy with the software cd-rom to instal the thing to then make it go into the computer. But here's 2 pictures of the thing i was talking about...
I also bought a kit with a bag, 8GB memory and a cloth. It came with the package of the camera.
Man am I happy or ehat?? have been waiting for this along time now and it has finally happened! Its so awesome! It's so much fun to take pictures with it. Can't show you any pictures yet ... have a little bit of a problem right now with it. =S But soon ... of coarse!
I have to show you my manicure that i did just today. I think its looking really nice. My nails have been growing alot lately and i love them! Have to take care of them now, now that i they've come so far.
Anyways i have to go to sleep now, i'll see ya 2morrow.
Good night y'all!
Canon EOS 600D
Thank you Jackie!!! <3
Close enough!!
I've been a bit busy lately, so i haven't been able to write.
When i was at the Meda Markt store the other weekend, I parked my car but when i came out, stood there a big van. They had parked so close to my car that it was unbelievable CLOSE!!!
Look here:
I say OMG!! They didn't even scratch my car at all. MAN that was really close!
Fever week

Trixie time
I or we, me and Trixie had so much fun so i forgot to take pictures. Hahaha. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, the wind blowed a bit and it was warm. No jacket yay! We had alot to talk about like always! hihi. It's always fun to meet my best friend, she understands me and she knows my jokes. Love her!!!
Oh yes i forgot i had one picture actually, we were in a fabric store, they had alot of cute fabrics but they were unfortunely very high on the price tag.