Shots with Mariam
The Green Top
I forgot to tell ya that i got a late christmas pressie from Frida in a white Swedish Alcohol Retailing Monopoly which was a very nice bag =) and there was this green top from Gina Tricot , i can't find the top on internet and show you how it looks like tho, but i'll try and take a pic of it so i can show ya, it's a nice one, it's not my colour but it does fit me anyway. I almost only wear black, much pink, grey, white and light colours. Frida said also that she couldn't fins a pink one - otherwise she'll get the pink coloured one then. But she thought this green would fit me. And it did and i'm also wearing it today and i looove it, i don't usely wear this kind of outfits or i mean the top style but now i know i can wear them and it fits me i can buy more of them in that style =) awesome she bought one to her self too but a purple one tho. =) So now we have one of the same tops =) coolio!
Today i had a lovely day, i went to partille and got on the train and saw this old friend, but i wasn't sure if it was her, but it was. anyways. She looked at me like she recognized me too. So i guess we recognized each other. =) Anyways she looked fine. I had to go and pick up some letters and posts there. Then me and my friend Mariam went to get my lappy that was ready to pick up. First we went to the restaurant to just leave the letters and posts to dad. And then we got so hungry so we got a bit of food there. And then we went to the Expert on Backaplan. And they said it was fine with the lappy but i told them that it was something wrong with it cause it didn't work for me at home, so how on earth can it work for them and not with me? So they said that it would cost 800 something just because they didn't find anything wrong with it, how freakin stupid is that, they take prices for soemthing they can just check out and not do anything with it. But they won't take a price if they can fix it. Stupid people! But i also had a assurance that is on 3 years. But i'll take the charger with me on sunday maybe if i'll go to Expert then.
After that we gone to Avenue cause this Mariam she wanna take pics with her system camera that she's recently have gotten. It was freezing outside and yea... But then after awail we got into a café, Finally! And we start to take alot of pic inside insted. It was fun, Mariam almost shut her eyes all the time in every single pic i'm taking but when she took it herself, she never did they got very nice. I think it's because of the flash thingi. But my pic's that she took on me was awesome i can upload them here now for ya to see.

And you can also see the top i'm wearing a bit of it. It was that one i got from Frida yesterday!
Anastacia Blog
Aaaah The blog from Anastacia came on the 21th and she aswered us with the "she hates music" but she dosn't i think it's so freakin cool that she answered us! I mean fans have talked and talked and wondered why if this artical right or is it wrong? But i knew it that the artical was mad! I knew it, I knew it!! We all ana fans know her more then the journalists do! It's so freakin cool that we do that! :D Comments