27 jan


When i came to the Daily Center yesterday in the morning they told us - me and my friend that we were going to a study visit to a old colleague that works on a leather workshop (Daily Center). And oooooh so nice! =D i totally forgot that it was this monday we were going to meet her =) OMG it was soo much fun, to finally meet her again, i hadn't met her after she finished her job at the Daily Center were i'm working.

Daily Center - Leather Workshop, 26 januari

Me heard Lisa on the way up on the steps =) and then i saw her, it was really fun. She hasn't changed a bit on her look. I think everyone huged her right when they came up for the stairs. And they talked and i just wanted a hug from her. So she got a bunch of flowers and a card that i've done! =) It was also the colour PINK on it! =) hehe. Typical me... But it wasn't me who choose the card tho... but glad they pick that one out. :D hehe Lisa know my favour colour is pink also. hehe so that was extra fun! AND the flowers was aslo pink! =P 
When she got the flowers she wanted to lay it down somewhere and then she didn and i told her "I wanna have a hug too"! It was a nice warming hug =) Ohhh what i've missed her so freakin much, i totally was kinda smileing all the time when i was there. hehe So happy to see her again! 

Me and Frida thought and thought who could be my "contact person" but we didn't came up with any names who it could be. So when i came to the Daily Center where Lisa is working - then i thought oh! What a nice idea - I can ask Lisa if she wanna be my  "contact person". =D  
When we were about to go back to our Daily Center in Lerum, i was asking Lisa if she could be my  "contact person" cause Frida won't have any time left soon to be with me anymore when she starts her work again. And Lisa said that she maybe can't be my "contact person" either cause she got stuff to do and she's already  "contact person" to  Carro. And she said also - You know how Carro is - she gets yellous very easily and that... So i was like who cares! (thinking) ;o)
And then i was going back to the car - back to Daily Center in Lerum. And i had to say good bye and gave her a last hug. When i turned around she said that we will meet soon. And i said yeah sure... When i turned around and walked i think or it felt that she turned around on my side and was thinking ... that maybe she COULD be my "contact person". But i don't know really... that is me just thinking. 

Anyways it was fun how it all last. ^^ 


Today me was in Linden (Daily Center) and it was boring and everyone is making fun of me cause i'm so girlish. In Linden you get dirty on your hands and so on...  And i pick the dirty things or the things that can hurt me easily very carefully. hehe. They always do that... Anyways... today i got to do more then i've every done so much so far there in a loong time. I did much! And my friend did like NOTHING! 
And this guy J is there and like flirting and teaseing me and my friend thinks he likes me more than a friend. But i don't really know myself. Maybe he just like me much as a FRIEND! I don't know. But i was laughing at him for no reasone sometimes. And he saw that... but i was laughing cause my freind said that i'm in looove with him, but i'm not and that he loooves me. Silly bean!  

Anastacia News

Her single Absolutely Positively is out in the UK Itunes now. Go and buy it now!  http://www.apple.com/uk/itunes/affiliates/download/?artistName=Anastacia&thumbnailUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fa1.phobos.apple.com%2Fus%2Fr2000%2F012%2FMusic%2Fe5%2Fac%2Fff%2Fmzi.zsagnhnt.100x100-75.jpg&itmsUrl=itms%3A%2F%2Fax.itunes.apple.com%2FWebObjects%2FMZStore.woa%2Fwa%2FviewAlbum%3Fid%3D302360528%26s%3D143444%26ign-mscache%3D1&albumName=Absolutely+Positively+-+Single


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