I'm engaged!!!! :D :D :D
Haven't blogged about it, it took time to tell the hole story. So here's it is... Finally done! :D
We drove to Sundsvall at 11 am. Then we arrived exactly at 12 am in Sundsvall.
We went to "In gallery" and window shoped a little. I shoped a "I love you" tea. We never drank it tho =(
Than we went to Claus Olsson bcause i had to find a tea-strainer - i didn't have one.
We even went to search for the cinema, but it was hard looking for it, bcause the guy we asked - he said that you will see it!
Finally we found it, the parking house was expensive for 1 freakin hour: 12 bugs!
Anyways, we went to SF cinema and we couldn't chooce which one we wanted to see, bacuse me always want to watch romantic films but jimmy not. And so we picked Alice in wonderland. Started at 6.15 pm so we had time to do something else for those hours.
We went to the city again. And there we looked for a cafe to sit and just relax. And so we went to IN gallery, but they was suppose to close at 4 pm. And so we were too late. So we ran around the city and we didn't find any restaurant that we thought might go to after the movie. But we appear to the Barista cafe again.
Me and Jimmy at the cafe Barista ^^
Then there we insted took a cupe a coffe and tea with choco ball and a . At the Barista cafe the eco one.
Here at the "Viktoria Restaurant" in Sundsvall. Just cross over the Barista cafe. It's a frensh restaurant. ;)
Under the time we were waiting for the food to cerve us. We talked and he just looked into my eyes all the time.
The first dishes: Salmon toast with honey sauce, Yummy, delicious it was! :D Wanna have more of it!
Here were starting to eat it! Just some pic before we eat tho... ;)
Than the main course: they served sirloin - planked steak, smashed potato and with bearnaise sauce. I got so stuffed by it, that i couldn't even choose the dessert. So i skipped it.
In the middle of eating the dishes. I was asking, what's the secret you're going to tell me about??
Jim couldn't say anything, bcause he was so nervous...
When he said he was very nervous myself got nervous aswell. haha
And so i went to the toilet and wondered really what he would tell me, and then BING! He will ask me if i wants to married him. That was the final thing i had in my head that he would ask me about.
But then i came out from the toilet he took a little time for himself and he said: I dont know how to say this, i've never done this before either. And then i said, tell me now!
And so he started with "take off your glasses" so i took them off. And then "close your eyes" and "hold your hands out" Don't peak he told me. And when i opened my eyes there were this white little box. And i was like OMG i'm right he is asking me to marrie him. MY god. And then he burst out, "will you affiance with me?" I was in tears, YES! :D
The ring are of plane silver.
I'm engaged!!!! =D eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! =D =D =D
Jimmy asked me on our 1 year month (21/3)
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee now it's left a engagement party!!!! :D :D :D