Last weekend (saturday) party here in Fränsta

hehe the day started very slow like doing laundry and doing a bit sewing of my yellow shirt. And clean up abit of my desk and my room.

It was awesome and so much fun, we played a little card game like when you get spade, diamonds, hearts or trefolls you have to move and sit in another lap. And when your in your seat again alone. Then you've won!
Haha the 2and round hahaha my god i laughed so hard! bcause there were so many people sitting on my lap hahahaha. That was fun! XD

Then we like danced all night long to many differents songs. And also played limbo like 1 am haha. It was fun haha and someone spilled a bit of their bear on my freakin shirt! =@ That wasn't nice! =(

I hope to get some pic from yesterday ... :D


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