50 years pressie

My mom's birthday is soon here. 5th november. And she will turn to 50 years this year. And it's a big number have i heard. And so i thought i'd do 2 boxes because she will have a big dinner for the family. (5) On thursday the day before her birthday.
So i thought the other box - that i will go to the restaurant where she work and give her the surprise there insted also. ;)

Such a nice idea bcause i feel so sorry becuase she works on the day her birthday is and it's on a friday. =( anyway...

I thought i'd buy for 1000 bugs. (I don't have much money) =(
This is what i thought she would have so far:

Box 1:

  • 2 Trisslotter
  • Pussel 1000 – 2000 bitar


Box 2:

  • Stor blom Bukett
  • Bio biljetter
That's all i can come up with right now. So if you have any suggestions, let me know if you have any. Thankx in regards.

xoxo jessie

Postat av: Anna

köp en nalle som de står "mom" på om du hittar, en kopp te/kaffe me "världens bästa mamma" eller nått sånt...?

- En mysig pocket bok

- presentkort på inredning

- gör en bok med foton(typ som en scrapbook, sån är alltid kul att fixa, det behöver ju inte vara nå dyrt finns olika priser)


2010-10-30 @ 02:07:44
Postat av: jessie

Tack för tipsen! =)

Scrapbookingen har jag tänkt på innan väldigt mycke faktisgt, men det kommer att ta tid dock. Så jag har bestämt mej för det jag har skrivet däruppe ^^

Jag har märkt att jag skrivet det på svenska även. haha

2010-11-02 @ 16:45:42
URL: http://jessiepeach.blogg.se/

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