Allum yesterday
Going out. Not that good weather like yesterday. But it's all good.
Yesterday we had a fun day. Met Jimmy's sister Cissi and he's father, in Allum. We met he's grandma and dranfather too there. They had 5 years anniversary there. It was fun we saw Linda Bengtzing perform. Were alot of kidz there to just to see her. =) it was so sweet, they even sang together with her and just the crowd got to sing her song just to let her hear it.
Yesterday we had a fun day. Met Jimmy's sister Cissi and he's father, in Allum. We met he's grandma and dranfather too there. They had 5 years anniversary there. It was fun we saw Linda Bengtzing perform. Were alot of kidz there to just to see her. =) it was so sweet, they even sang together with her and just the crowd got to sing her song just to let her hear it.
Now i'm going. Bye for now