Deco den?
A very simple one and the first one that i've done. I think i'm going to get these other cute stuff to pimp it up.
This time i took my card wallet, there sat another stickers on it before as you can see down under here.

Cute noodles

Total mess
I used this hair colour to my hair and another one before, It didn't get the result i wanted. First dark blond then this dark brown. You can see the bad result under the picture... I have very dark hair, so it's harder to get the result by yourself. I dyed it myself, darn it was so hard!
A hat

I've also tried the zumba class today and i think i'm hoocked now. I love to dance and that's kinda the only dance class there is and another class too that i will try on "Just Dance". This Zumba class were a bit larger than last monday, people have called other people to come. It's fun but a little smaler place to move on though.
Some things

New odered Tassimo T-disc. Got 200 bugs from when we got the Tassimo machine from mom. I chose 2 chocolate and one tea.

Fried duck with rice and curry sauce. Yummy! Ate it on the Bambo Restaurant in Gothenburg.

Finally the hair is gone!

The next step is to dye it and i hope i'll do it today because i can't stand the fact that the grey hairs is standing out.
I went to hairdresser "Jaeger" I've heard that they are really good there and they have get the highest point on net too. So i tried it myself although it cost me a bit more than i had hoped for. But that doesn't matter now because i got it as i wanted it!
Job's and a new series
And have u all seen this fab and fun series that i'm also following every sunday at 7 pm on tv3. (Swedish telev)

I love this new ^^ one I can't get enough of it! Why does the it end so badly in every episode and begin next week again??? It's so frickin irritating!
But it's a good series to follow! :D
Zumba class
They told about the man who invented Zumba. The man forgot he's cd's at home so he took the cd's he had in he's car that was african songs and people started to like it and then in the end they just made up some moves!

I think i will try it again. =)
Rix Fm festival 21/8 2011

Rix Fm festival 2011

I will take some pictures and some videos if my camera will go along with me. ;)
Oskar Linnros 15/8
Went to Liseberg with Jackie yesterday to see Oskar Linnros sing some songs. It was fun, it was alot of people there, as they do when it's an artist that plays on the radio all the time 24/7. ;)
Oh this super pink hoody i'm wearing here ^^ It's a new one, got it from mom or Jackie when they went to Amsterdam for a few days ago. I love it, it's super cosy and it's also very big - so i don't have to make room for my upper body for it. Hahaha XD
New place - Sushi bar

Very yummy, lemon salmon and the salmon were so yum, very fresh!
Helping Mariam
Helped Mariam to fix her pocket for her scrap booking thing. It lokks pretty good! A bit bigger than what i thought it would be.
My printer/scanner have finally arrived! Now i can start and print out all my applications for searching jobs. That printer cost only 299 bugs. That's cheap for an Canon brand! ;)
It's a big one though.
Have already printed and it works perfectly even when i print out pictures with colour and the scanner works awesomly! :D
Rest in peace Saga!
Been at a funeral today, it was so frickin sad.
Jimmy's sister had lost her baby at the childbirth 19 hours later...
Her name is Saga, a beautiful name. A very cute little girl.
I was already in tears when the minister/priest said some words of some book. It sounded so beautiful and so sad. They have picked a song "Jag fick låna en ängel" (I had to borrow an angel) - Shirley Clamp. Very beautiful and calm. When steping into where she was to say farewell that was the hardest. The tears just flowed out, couldn't stop it!
The parents Jenny and Stefan had also written a poem to her, it was a cute poem.
It was a sunny day and also a bit rain. They say it means that you should lay the person into the grave and rest.
Let Saga rest in peace now!
We will miss ya! xoxo