Before math class
My lunch before i'm heading to school. Salmon with rice and top of it all dill sauce and soy sauce.
Wishlist 2011 (birthday)
Here's my birthday wishlist of 2011. It's such a cute combination i've picked. I can't think of any other things that i want. I looove to do wishlist every year even tho i'm not gonna get any of them.
If you don't understand what's on the wishlist picture^^
* Dummy size. 40, 42 (adjustable or not)
* Buttons - Large and smal, In different colours
* Cake necklace
* Cute jewelry (nickel-free unless silver)
* Cupcake bowls with lids
* Giftcard for clothes
* Cute things - Hello Kitty
Oh yea i've forgot something else that i want. It's these books that i've wanted for ages now.
Motor show in Jönköping
Me and Jimmy went with he's friends to Jönköping to see the "Motor Show" they have there once a year.
I found a name plate that you could design with your own name and a little picture on it. It's pink and it's red letters.
In the way to Jönköping we stoped by at Ulricehamn. It was very nice there, they didn't have many stores but at the center you could see the sea. It was beautiful, couldn't take any picture there tho.
Here's a picture of me anyways. ;)
The shoes arn't converse, a fake brand. They are light pink. For only 199 bugs at the "Freeport".
Oh yea when i'm already talking about that ... i can add that the cardigan comes from "Carlings" for only 179 bugs and a boxer top for 49 bugs at "Gina Tricot". All for a very cheap coin!
Here's some pictures of the car's and motocykle people have designed.
A mini mi copper
After a struggle of this bumblebee we got him in the ventilation, where it really came from we think. Beacuse after awhile it just flu in there. And it ain't a ventilation grill there either. So it can just come out and come in whenever it want. We put a bunch of plastic bags in one, so it can't come out.
When i came home from work, sat with my computer in the kitchen. Guess what i heard? The frickin bumblebee is OUT! And i was so sweaty, Jimmy said it can burn your skin very hard, so that you get allergic to it.
Now after awhile i caught it, i thought it was dead because it didn't even moved a fly. But now it has moved and it just try to get out. I'm not gonna loose him out.
Isn't he BIG???
Work and after work
She always teases Nicklas (a extra worker like me.) Have been so funny to hear them tease each other. Hehehe.
The head chef invited us for lunch, it was really nice, outside work.
I had to quit earlier today ^^ Because there wasn't any work to do. Beacuse of the "orders" they were done before lunch time. Kinna was so happy that they finally were done for the first time - quick. We have been 3 people these 2 days and it have been a fast work for us. It's fun!
After work i just enjoyed the sun, it was like 16 degrees when i got home. It was better weather today than yesterday. :S
When Jimmy quited he's job we went to buy some motor oil and washer fluid to the car. There's so many that get's motor stop in the high way, i don't wanna be in the same situation.
We didn't wanted to go home because of the sunny weather so we went to "Triumfs ice-cream cafe" in Sävedalen.
I really love that ice-cream cafe, it's the best, you get so much of them, the scopes are so big that you get so full.
This is a 500ml cup of ice-cream, have 4 different flavors. My favourite ones. I was full in the end, my gash i couldn't even move afterwards. XD
18 degrees
While waiting on Jimmy to come home (locked out) i took some pictures of the basket plan field and the football plan. They are kinda big here to be a playground just for kidz. Anyone can play though.
I like the basketball plan better, than the football plan.
The lunch
Yummy right? :D Sunny day but very windy in the end.
A short day in Alingsås
They had a white house in the middle of the town and we went to see what it was. It was these "Liveing days" how you can live, company's that sell houses and apartments.
After that we went to buy one ice-cream each and then we just walked along the street in Alingsås, they have so many nice and cute houses in town.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a fabric store and a sew machine store!!!

Then we went to the stairs in the center and just enjoyed the sun there.
Then we went to Storken, i wanted to buy some clothes, the clothes you'll see later. We heard some music in the way in the storage. One girl sang a song and then the Fashion show began to start.
Some peeps are dancing in the way in of the catwalk.
Here's the end of the show!
... The "friends" never called so that we could meet up ...
First grill day this year
Doesn't it look lovely, the weather was fine, altho we were a bit late to grill them. It was nice anyway.
A wonderful day in Alingsås
Then we walked in about 2 hours around there, we saw these new houses there it looked so nice. Then we walked to "Nolhaga animal park." And here's some pictures of the animals they had.
How cute they all are right? I get so happy when i walked by and saw these cute animals. It was really nice to see this the first time of my life in Alingsås. It was like Slottskogen in Gothenburg. (They have almost the sem thing)
A movie - Sandra Bullock
The Date
The date Trixie had with a guy, didn't went that well...
He only talked about himself all the time. And Trixie didn't get to say anything. He only talked about he's job and what he do there. It was boring! Better luck next time! ;)
I were there for her and pushed her to go with the flow and that she would make it. That she couldn't go home, ya know!
If she stay she will be proud that she went through it! And that she can handle any situation whenever she can.
Trixie were glad that i was with her. That i even came. Of coars i came i have to stand there by her side and be there for her. I'm her best friend of all time so...
And it was very nice to see her too aswell. Because we had so much fun at least i had. Hahaha. Those who know me as "if i talk alot" they know i'm happy/glad. And that i think is a funny thing and of coars a good thing.
Here's a little picture i had taken yesterday.
Meet a guy...
She will meet a guy in Gothenburg. It will be so much fun for me, because i'm maybe going with them behind them even tho the guy don't know me. Hehe. XD
Allum yesterday
Yesterday we had a fun day. Met Jimmy's sister Cissi and he's father, in Allum. We met he's grandma and dranfather too there. They had 5 years anniversary there. It was fun we saw Linda Bengtzing perform. Were alot of kidz there to just to see her. =) it was so sweet, they even sang together with her and just the crowd got to sing her song just to let her hear it.
Now i'm going. Bye for now
The night
Now im going to watch a Jackie Chan movie, after that i'm going to bed, up early 2morrow. Going to work.
good night! xoxox