Le crossiant
To go to cafe's, i just looove that! Me and Jimmy went to Le crossiant in Sisjön and took a bite there. I took panini with parmesan and mozzarella, they add automatically the chips beside. Yummy!
We went to Bolagret to see what they had there... I'm in a phase where i like Japanese things right now. And i also like pink, have done that since a little kid. :D Love finding new pink and cute stuff all the time!
We also went to Mediamarkt to look for an usb and the Ipad's. I'm so in love with the Ipad's right now, they show you such a strong picture of the colours in it, I just love it, i wanna have one of those, even if i don't going to buy it. Haha poor me! But in the other hand i will whatsoever buy a new phone, i want a pink one, my next buy will be an Ipod or an Iphone. But still my mobile is pink yet, but a little bit out of scratch...
A good day
We drove to Mediamarkt and looked for mobiles and usb's. Didn't find anything. We got so hungry after awhile so we drove to get a bite in the Johnssons place. (Bäckebol)
Doesn't this dessert looks yummy to you? It did for my eyes ... it tasted like shit! The Johnssons place at Stig Center they have done these new things (which is a good thing), sushi things and desserts too, but not the food tho. Anyhow, this wasn't the best they had...
But in the other hand they had ice cream and i picked that insted, much yummyer! With differents flavor of sauces - starwberry, peanut and raspberries.
And look what i found... these cute Hello Kitty towels for women. So freakin cute can't believe i find these things at all, like all the time these days. Weeeeeee!
I wanna have this book, it's so much of everything with baked things in it. Nice recipes!
And i bought these hipseters too, i just needed some, my all is in the laundry right now ...
Pirates Of Caribbean 4
Before heading to the movie theatre, we got a bite on the Panda Sushi for dinner. It was delicious! The inside out roll were not the same as the other ones on Super sushi, they were actually yummy with avocado. And it's so pink at the Panda place. :D
It showed up like more than 100 people that day. It was free so why not and it was at 6 pm not too early and not to late. People do need to go to work the next day...

They aslo had a table with fruits in a bowl, popcorn and drinks, there you could pick what you wanted, that was really nice! Thought they only would give us the caribean movie, but OPS we were wrong.
Pick up things
I've still got my own left overs there, it's time for me to get it now. Also my basket ball if it still there.
Ice lollies
I've done some home made ice lollies by my self. I saw it on a another blog and got the inspiration there. So thought i could do some one ones. And woila!
1. Freeze any fruit you like for 1 or 2 hours. (I picked out banana, kiwi, pear and peach)
2. Warm up cooking chocolate and then stick the ice lollie in the chocolate.
3. Let it dry in to the fruit. Done!
It's super easy, try it and it's very healthy! Healthyer than other lollies that is what i think! :D
New Bikini
And here's the tiger balm i bought too, you can use it for headaches, sprains and other things. It's a super drug! From china or whatever...
Today me and Jimmy went to town and bought this "autoparktime" we tried it but it didnt quit work at all... Me wasnt that hungery after that breakfast i ate today. It was a big one for me, but Jimmy was hungery as usuel. So we walked around a bit and window shoped a bit and then i had to just go anf find a bikini for this summer, you'll get to see it tomorrow.
Anyways we went to a Thai Livs store where i used to go with family there when i was a smal kid. It was nice, very warm in there... We found these cute bottles of Fanta, with strawberry flavor. They tasted like bubble gum, not my taste.
Then i got hungery, so we ate Mongolian food. It's so yummy!
And i found or Jimmy found these ciute yarns. They were so tiny for real. like 5 cm or something. Then we got home and i watched tv, Jimmy did dinner for us. And look what he did with the food. So Cute! I was very happy!
Johnathans birthday
Jimmy's sister son Johnathan is haveing he's birthday today, so we were there to celebrate him. They had buns and cake and tea/coffee on the table that we could eat. Johnathan got 2 or 3 water guns, 2 lego packages from us (3 in one model) and he got some other things too...
Here's Stefan Johnathans father and Jimmy, they are buildning he's lego. Hahaha they have nothing to do.
Then it broke off, they had a water gun game. OMG they all in the end got so wet. Hahaha.
Awww, Tessie just hides under the table and don't wanna get wet anymore.
Veronica Maggio at Liseberg
There were alot of people and people sang with her too, you could hear them, some shouted out loudly! She sang about 5-8 songs that evening i think. She is a good singer, she only sings Swedish songs thought, there is a english song she's done with another man. I don't like.
Training top, dinner and tea/coffee break
I went to town yesterday and i found this cute top, thought i'll use it when i work out, go to the gym and train.
Bad camera, Mobile...
Ate sushi for dinner, yummy! And a a vanilla yogurt with blueberry. It's insted of buns and cakes. It felt more healthier and i'm proud that i could resist it for once!
Hip Hop Abs
Here's a little picture of me after 20 mintue workout. The sweat won't stop runing either.
Here's a sneak peak of what the Hip Hop Abs gives you. Hope it get's you to get the dvd's too, Enjoy!
Follow each day
I will search for a program that i can follow each day, training schedule and a food schedule.
I did once a 1.5 week of a program. It was hard not eating the usel things i eat and it wasn't that yummy either.
So i'm going to find something that suits me this time! Fingers crossed if i'll find any.
Must buy
- Bikini
- Rubber boots (I'm tired of getting wet feet when it's raining)
- Sandals
- Summer jacket
- Cute neckalce
- Cute bracelets
I can buy all of these things with the 1000 bugs i got from mom. =)
Gym and guilt
It ddoesn't feel that good about that though.
So tomorrow i will train the fat away. I'll be training more than the other days. This is ain't good!
Here's dinner:
The Birthday/day
IT was a fun day, seeing peeps i haven't met for weeks/months. :D
Jimmy came early to surprise me with breakfast in bed. He even sang Happy Birthday to me, how sweet! :D For the first time i had my breakfast in bed, not exactly in bed though, but at the coffe table. =) Awwww.
That's when we went to Borås after the smal breakfast we had togther. :D
Yummy, starter, main course and finally dessert. It was super yummy!!! :D