Happy thoughts!

I've been thinking alot! About how Happy it has been for me this year at all! I mean my dreams has finally come true in my freakin life!! FINALLY!!!

For the
1. I've met my star Anastacia - Love ya always and forever!
2. I'm with Jimmy <3 my love
3. I've been moving far away from my parents and from Floda.
4. I'm studdying fashion design

This has been my freakin dreams for years!!!!

All of this has happened in one freakin year, this year 2009!
2009 has been very good for me, altho some has been changes and some sad things have happend also...
But i'm thinking forward now!

My jimmy has got a freakin freach apartment and i'm so freakin happy for him and it's a nice one, altho it's white EVERYWHERE!!! But it's a nice price too. And it's nearby his job too!
I'm moving with him when i'm coming down, that is what we've thought about. :D So i can't wait!

There's so many things i want to do! But things comes and goes. Fast or slow!

But i'm going and looking forward till what will happen in the future!
What will happen next year in about 5 weeks and 2 days left till 2010!!!

Wow this yeas has gone pretty fast and a damn fun year aswell!

Man i'm gonna miss everything that have happened this year!

I'm so freakin proud at myself and that i'm acctually has gone on my instinct to really do my own thing. And not care what other people think. I will do this and i've done it so far!!

I will look back at this year and think how happy it really made me feel of all the things has passed me with this happy and lucky year!


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