This weekend

This weekend have been like a very lazy, just been watching movies all day long. Now that we can download films on net. That's really awesome, before we couldn't it was something wrong with the program i think. But suddenly of trying it for over time than now it works. =D

Friday: We bought a lot of things from Willis for food, we didn't even bought any junk food at all this time. The only thing was this "Gott & Blandat". (Candy) And alot of food for the whole month. We had really like nothing in the fridge or the freezer. NADA!
But now we have even the cabinet full of food. And there's no where to put the eggs and stuff. Ithink we bought a little bit too much this time. hahaha XD

Saturday: And so me and Jimmy has also been out and went with the car to Clothingbasement (klädkällaren) where Jimmy bought me this gorgeous fabric that i will be doing for a shirt.

Isn't it fab!? It's such a cute colour aswell. Like it suppose to be, ther were more of these yellow and brighter colours of the fabric too but i chooced this one becuase it's more Winter/autumn colour. =)

We went to Media Market to see if we could find any printer for our computers but there weren't anyone. So we then went to Net on Net. Where we found one printer that were wireless like Jimmy wanted it. But we didn't bought it bcause we didn't know if he had money for it or not...
We went also to IKEA and bought some candle lights.

After that we went home home and ate Tacos. The bread were so freakin smal. I even took pic of it
See how funny it looks like ...

It's like for smal children to eat them up. Haha we usely take the big bread where you can put the mmeat more in the bread. hahaha. This time and never again will we buy these smal ones again. We thought it was the middle ones. but they were so smaler than the middles one. And we didn't think about that before we bought them, thought that they were very cheap only. Take 2 for 20 bugs only.


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